
I said i would say more about GB, so here it is, more stuff.

The greatest gift GB gives is the train of thought it inevitably kicks of, though my train often forgets to stop at the stations labelled 'reality' and 'practicality'. As a festival GB does inspire creativity - even if it is a case of disagreeing with people, or not understanding. Last year my involvement with Between the Lines made me actually think about whether or not i wanted to get on with this writing business or just keep it a hobby. I may have thought about it, but it still remains very much a part time thing. Since last year, though, i have continued with my column for eChurch Active, have done a few reviews for eChurch and a couple of other organisations, i have seriously got down to thinking about my creative life and what things i do which can inspire and continue that, and i have done a lot more reading - a huge amount more - which i have enjoyed very much indeed, thank you very much.

This year my inspirations were Gareth Higgins, who has written a book called 'How Movies Helped Save My Soul' who i was fortunate enough to interview for one of the sessions, it made me feel a) a little less guilty that i enjoy films so much and b) a little more inspired to watch and read films with a critical eye - not necessarily for style but content. Book is good too - visit for review of said tome. I was also inspired to read some more stuff by Prof David Clines about Biblical Criticism and reader-response theory and all that kind of thing - David wasn't at the festival, but in order to prepare for my own session on 'The Bible as Literature' i read some of his material, as well as a whole load of other things - and got a lot out of that preparation. Other than that, some quality time with my daughter, and less but still good stuff with my son, made the weekend special.

I am inspired to keep up the writing, and also have been gently prodded to get on with this book about 'Christian Basics from a contemporary perspective' that i have been thinking about for some little while now. Two friends are particularly good at reminding me to get my act together (though they never say it quite like that) and just get on with it - though as you can tell i am very good at waffling about it rather than doing it.

Also inspired to contact a few magazine editors and get some work published about Christianity and Culture, about being normal and being Christian, about humour and faith - all the stuff that interests me and more. Will follow that up after me 'oliday in the next couple of weeks. For now, i have parishes to care for and though GB may inspire it doesn't take long to come to earth with a bump (closely followed with a hop and a skip and some fun)

Doubt i will be publishing with this much frequency again, though i am feeling 'up for it', as some might say...particularly if they are stuck in a 1990s timewarp.


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