
Well, I went on me holidays, and then came back...

Been a bit busy since then, and haven't got around to blogging, as may have been noticed by anyone who might drop by here every now and then.

I have noticed that most of those who were blogging like crazy at the end of August have slowed down somewhat, not that this is in any way trying to justify my own lack of effort on the 'shouting into the ether' front, just an observation.

Can't quite put my finger on why I've not done this, but my general writing, my columns for echurch active and all of my efforts at being creative are going through something of a hiatus at the moment. In fact I feel a bit flat generally - tired, I think.

It's amazing how creative I felt on holiday - was scrawling away in my notebook, and even got that idea for the novel I know is in there somewhere, have since had another idea but haven't done anything about it. There's just an undefined lack of impetus at the moment.

Admittedly, the rest of life is pretty busy, have been in a 'visiting frenzy' going to see lots of people, many of whom have serious illness, or members of family with serious illness. Perhaps the reality of sickness and death have oppressed my creative instinct. I am determined to get back on track, though, starting with some columns for echurch and a few phone calls that need to be made to get me back up to speed with some friends. I have some book reviews to write too, but need to read the books before I do that.

Onward and upward, therefore. And more soon, who knows this could be the start of another flurry of activity, combined with a bit of solipsism and self absorption that comes with it....


moog said…
good to see you are back and blogging
Phil said…
yeah, i noticed that as well. mainly because i kinda slowed down on the blogging front.

not sure if it was the 'high' of greenbelt and all that finally wore off.

perhaps everybody has realised there are other things to be getting on with???

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