Oh The Irony

I found myself stranded a few miles from home yesterday as my car was in for a service and i couldn't get a lift back. It was a beautiful summery day so i thought i would walk home...

As i left the village i was passed by a huge 4x4 (or SUV as they say in the U.S) which pulled into the local recycling centre and dropped off some bottles in the glass bank. So as i wandered i muttered (only in my head) 'huge petrol guzzling monstrosity, imagine having that to get around these villages and i bet there's only one person in there travelling half a mile to drop bottles in the recycling bank' etc etc.... the usual self-righteous stuff.

About half a mile later the same car stopped next to me and said 'Oh, hi Alastair, where are you going and can i give you a lift...' It turned out to be one of my parishoners who was on her way to pick up her horse box, with a load of kids in the car and had decided to combine the journey with a trip to the recycling bank. As it turned out she wasn't going my way (though willing to make a detour to help me out!) and i walked most of the way home. Which was great, but gave me plenty of time to consider prejudice, thinking the worst of people, being surprised by folk's goodness etc etc etc

Real World 1 Self Righteous Indignation 0


Jem said…
Liked the real life parable of this one ... hope the walk was fun over all.

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