Just for a change, a MeMe

Been a while since I did one of these, thanks to Dr John for posting, in turn taken from Bill at the Old Fart's Blog

Have Any Pets: Two Dogs
Have Any Children: Two aged 7 & 4 - one of each kind....
Smoke: Ummmmm, yep
Drink: Whenever thirsty, yes.
Exercise: limited
Spend Your Life On Facebook: No, but keep forgetting to exit before leaving PC so give the impression I am there all the time
Play On A Sports Team: ha ha ha ha ha ha
Belong To Any Organizations: Campaign for Real Ale, Rural Theology Association, Greenbelt Angels, Writer's groups, BMF, oh and the Church, tend to be quite involved in that, I also used to be CMA (Christian Motorcyclist Association),
Love Your Job: Mostly
Like To Cook: Yes
Play An Instrument: Guitar, but not as well as I would like...
Sing: Yes, in tune but with no finesse.
Dance: 'The music moves me, but it moves me ugly'.
Speak Multiple Languages: Passable French alongside my passable English.
Ice Skate: Never really saw the point.
Swim: Yep, but have to watch out for harpoons as often mistaken for great white whale...
Paint: Only walls, and usually only when I move into a house...
Write: Love to...
Ski: Why would I want to?
Juggle: Really, life's too short to learn to juggle.
Do you wish you lived somewhere else?: I have days when I wish I'd taken my chance to move to the USA, and others when I want to move to France....
Do you like roller coasters?: Not really.
Enjoy spending time with your Mother?: Yes, but she is a very bad influence on me :-)
Ever think about the price of gasoline?: Not really.
Sleep with a fan on?: I live in England, how often would I need a fan?
Have a good handle on spelling?: It is one of the few things I am very good at.
Ever type "kik" instead of "lol?: No, never use lol - for some irrational reason I find it irritating.
Know how to play chess?: Yes but well out of practice.
Ever miss being a little kid?: Not really, though I wish I had the energy I had then!


Marion said…
Humorous post, Alastair! I have never seen the need to ice skate or ski, either.

Thank you for giving us the chance to know you a bit better!
Dr.John said…
Not skate or ski. How horrible. Don't you like falling down a lot and getting covered with snow. Don't you like to meet trees on a personal basis? What's wrong with you.
Melli said…
ROFL! (does that irritate you too?) The POINT of ice skating is ... to twist ankles! And you would WANT to ski because... well... sOMe people think it's fun! The sAme people who think motorcycles are HORRIBLY dangerous I suspect! And life really IS too short to learn to juggle! But roller coasters? Are you crazy man? You must have never tried the RIGHT roller coaster... you need to try more! *g*
quilly said…
This is a fun meme. I have enjoyed reading it on various blogs and every time I am almost tempted to take it. Almost.

The point of ice skating and skiing is to get cold and wet enough that you don't feel the pain when you break your leg and/or ankle. Sheesh. I can't believe you didn't know that.

Skiing and skating also have the added advantage of being followed by carafes of hot chocolate and mounds of melted marshmallows -- which are divine.
I go ice-skating four days a week, usually. Wonderful exercise - beats going to the gym into a cocked hat. Plus this time of year the rink is cool when it's hot outside. And competing is the most fun you can have with your clothes on! Almost better than preaching (well, it happens less often, but the preparation time is a LOT longer).
Alastair said…
Feel appropriately guilty for being rude about ice skating and skiing now...

Still not for me, methinks....
Oh, I'm always rude about ski-ing - I really prefer my ice flat!

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