To blog or not to blog, that is the question, well it's A question....

Getting fed up with myself!  I like blogging, when I've got time to do it, it has proved a helpful way of getting ideas 'out there' and has been somewhat therapeutic - though sporadic blogging, I have realised, doesn't get the kind of conversation going that I have really appreciated and my fave responders all seem to have fallen off or quit commenting...

So I've been wondering whether just to leave New Kid to gently fade, or whether to delete it from the blogosphere, or whether to find an alternative way of blogging, or even whether to commit myself to a little bit of blogging most days... though such a commitment may well find itself bringing more guilt if and when I don't end up doing it.

A twitter friend of mine suggested joining a blog community - so even when not actually blogging myself I can be a part of a group that keeps up this whole thinking out loud idea and get some feedback when I do actually blog.  Then I was followed by a blog community on Twitter called '@graceground' which offered an opportunity to blog and to enjoy the company of other Christian bloggers.  So I have signed up.  Not only have I signed up but I've even managed my first blog entry - which can be found here

As for New Kid, I am still unresolved - I would hope I can keep something going here, particularly if I feel like adding a number of posts in a flurry (don't want to swamp the Graceground community with my waffle) and you never know, a part in a different kind of blog set-up may prove to be the catalyst by which I return to this blog refreshed and renewed. 

Keep walking the path, folks, enjoy the journey and be well :-)  Catch you later, perhaps...?


Anonymous said…
Blog blog blog.. you're a great writer VIcar, you reach a lot of people here that wouldn't know you otherwise.
Alastair said…
Thanks Sank, really appreciated.... still owe you that skpe chat, look out for me on FB and if you see I'm here send me a message - I can try to work it out on my iPhone!
Seeker said…
Please keep blogging!

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