Surprise Surprise!

It's been a very long time since I posted two things in one day!  Or even in one week, or month!!!!  But here's one of those Thought For The Week  segments I thought I would be able to post here regularly... maybe I could get into the habit... though previous attempts have shown this to be unlikely...

Anyway, I do hope you're well, folks.  It's been a while, keep in touch and STAY PASSIONATE


Anonymous said…
I first saw your blog last night, and tried to comment, but my little letter vanished somehow. I wanted to encourage you to keep on writing. I like your honesty.

I have become someone who travels a solitary spiritual path. I liked your thought on passion because the last time I tried to go back to being a church attender, I made a troubling observation. I had a passion for worship, singing hymns and thanking God, and all around me, I saw people just warming the pews and acting totally bored.

Furthermore, they began staring at me as if I was some sort of freak. I knew I didn't fit in. Possibly some people who attend church all through their lives do so out of habit and fears, instead of thankfulness and joy.

I am sometimes a bit of a couch potato; maybe there are quite a few "pew potatoes" just killin time at church, instead of really getting excited about it all!

Sorry for butting into your world with these observations. With all due respect, Julie
Alastair said…
Julie, thanks so much for commenting - I really appreciate the response and I do sympathise, sometimes I look around Church and wonder what we are doing there and I'm the minister!!!

I'd like to encourage you to try and find a fellowship in which you can find a home... it might not be a traditional congregation, I have been a part of churches that meet in schools, halls, and even bars before and after I settled on being a Vicar in the Church of England. I think it's hard to be a Christian apart from a Church, it can feel hard to be one in the Church sometimes but I would stick with it... If that's too difficult then plug into some online communites, there are some really good ones on Facebook and Twitter where encouragement, challenge, support and questioning can take place! Also is a selection of bloggers and writers and Christians struggling with where the Church is, where it could be, and where it isn't!

Thanks again for the comment, keep in touch! Have a Happy Easter...
Anonymous said…
Hello again,

Thank you for writing back. I hope your Easter season will be satisfying, as I know you will be working hard during this time.

I do try to find like-minded people because of course we all need encouragement to keep the faith. My belief system has evolved to the point where I doubt if there are that many like-minded people around me, though. The Net could definitely be the answer.

I am a member of a multi-faith gospel choir that meets to learn a concert and then give the performance, about twice a year. Coming up in May, can't wait. I used to perform in other musical shows, but I don't welcome personal credit for what is a God-given talent of singing. Singing gospel music is so rewarding since it is just sharing songs we love to sing.

I am also a choir member of a religious sect to which I don't belong. The songs are not dogmatic, and thus I am comfortable. But if I am ever pressured to accept the belief system of the group, I will have to leave.

I see myself as a kind of harmonizer between all religious groups and doubt if I will ever be a Christian or Jew or Hindu or Buddhist anymore. I respect and draw upon the religion of any and all prophets and teachers of history and the present time.

Thank you so much for your encouragement. It is appreciated.


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