There's no place like....

We're here - Victoria, British Columbia.
At least I have an excuse for not having been active on Blogger for a while, I have had no access to a PC for over a month.  This has been a joy and a trial. I have been missing writing generally (which I find much more agreeable with a keyboard and screen) and writing about faith, for sermons, newspaper articles and the (very) occasional blog article particularly!

So here we are in sunny Victoria (I am assured this will not always be the case but we are making the most of it while it lasts) and have settled in to our new little home... much smaller than the Vicarages we have been fortunate enough to have since we were married 20 years ago but we are still very fortunate to have..... and I have sworn my Oaths of Alliegance to the Bishop, the Crown, and the Doctrine and Worship of the Anglican Church of Canada.

This means I can start work tomorrow

I am at the stage where following send off from Five Alive Mission Community, a joyful and moving experience we have had a few weeks of holiday, firstly in San Francisco then in our new home City of Victoria.  It has been great, time with my precious family, meeting new people and being bowled over by hospitality and generosity shown by so many.  Now it's time to get going, to get myself involved, to seek God's way for me in this place, and to make a home - both spiritual and physical, in a whole new world.

I'll try to keep up with the blog posts letting you know how things are going.  I had better get back to thinking about Sunday's sermon now.


Bob MacDonald said…
Welcome. My wife Diana and I are away this weekend - but some day we will meet. Looking forward to it.
Paul Gillan said…
Welcome to Victoria and the CRD. Michael and I look forward to meeting you on Sunday (if not too overwhelmed). Divine Brunch is one of the best things at the Church. I know you will be well occupied but I hope you and your family will have time to discover the city and region. I've lived here all my life (almost) and I am still discovering.
Anne Moon said…
There's a pow wow this weekend at the Tsartlip Nation--very exciting for newcomers. And Symphony Splash on SUnday at the Leg--but dress warmly. And there's baseball with fireworks Aug. 10. This is one exciting city, as Paul has indicated.
I look forward to meeting you. Anne Moon

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