What I've been up to....
It's been a good, thoughtful Advent. The Advent Doors project which I talked about in my last post have been very well received and highlighted a lot of creative ability within the members of St John the Divine, Victoria.
I've also been writing for the staff blog - including a tribute to Nelson Mandela, some thoughts about changes we are making/have made at the Church, about the process of choosing a Bishop for British Columbia (a very different affair from Episcopal appointments in the Church of England) and some reflections on Social Media and retelling the Christmas story.
I keep on preaching, with sermons podcast each week, which you are welcome to listen to and comment on. As an Arch-liberal I a surprised I don't have quite as many responses as I thought I would! Lots of support here in the congregation!
If you want to have a catch up on the Advent Sermons, then here they are embedded...
Advent 1
Advent 2
Advent 3
Advent 4
I've also been writing for the staff blog - including a tribute to Nelson Mandela, some thoughts about changes we are making/have made at the Church, about the process of choosing a Bishop for British Columbia (a very different affair from Episcopal appointments in the Church of England) and some reflections on Social Media and retelling the Christmas story.
I keep on preaching, with sermons podcast each week, which you are welcome to listen to and comment on. As an Arch-liberal I a surprised I don't have quite as many responses as I thought I would! Lots of support here in the congregation!
If you want to have a catch up on the Advent Sermons, then here they are embedded...
Advent 1
Advent 2
Advent 3
Advent 4