Blog talking again

I have missed weeks and weeks due to various absences etc, not sure if I will catch up, but we're back to the blog talkers discussion!

Blog Talkers number 38
If you could select any person, dead or alive, famous or obscure, historic or common, to write a blog that you would visit regularly, who would it be and why?
The easy answer to that would be Jesus

Though i have to ask myself, would I really want to read his blog, it would be pretty challenging stuff, the record of what we have in the Bible is tough enough to live by! Or would I, like so many people of his day, think he was another looney with radical religious ideas, too much against the authorities or too opposed to the religious structures that I am so much a part of!

And reading a blog would be sooooo much easier than this prayer business in trying to keep 'plugged in' to what he wants to say to me! And perhaps he would explain some of the stuff I really struggle with.

As Jesus is possibly a bit too much of an obvious choice, perhaps I should think of someone else? I don't want to come across as obsessed with this Christianity business...

...even though I am

So, who else?

I think I'd like to read the blog of Margaret Thatcher - not now, she's a mad old woman, but when she was in power in the 80s, I would like to know what she was really thinking - my memories of the 80s are high unemployment, misery amongst the 'working classes', the crushing of trade unions and lives destroyed. I would like to have known if she was truly aware, or at all affected, by the pain she caused. I have never loathed anyone, except Prime Minister Thatcher. I recognise that saying that makes me sound very unchristian, but I still feel a strong sense of anger at the fact that she used Christianity to justify what she did - quoting the prayer of St Francis to the press, or saying that the Good Samaritan could only have done what he did if he had money, which of course is the most important thing in life. I have no doubt she was a formidable person, and maybe very admirable in her aims, many would argue that she was good for our country - but for the whole of my teenage years I was very aware of the desperate situation she put so many people in - and being from a none too affluent background myself saw much of this first hand. I don't know if I would find her to be more human, even perhaps likable, in the flesh or through blogging, and I know that she is a totem for all the political ills of our country, but I am intolerant of intolerance, I hate injustice, and I despise bigotry - it seems to me in many ways Thatcher embodies it all, certainly the Thatcher-era did.

Wow, that was more of a rant than i expected, twenty five years of stewing I guess.

Join in the blog talkers conversation here.


Dr.John said…
Twenty five tears of stewing and that was the worst you could do.
Naomi said…
This reminds me of a recent post I did on my blog Alastair regarding how time travel could soon become reality - - I asked readers if they could travel back in time to any century where they would choose to go and who they would choose to meet. I had some interesting responses. One reader said she would like to see Jesus performing a miracle and walk with him for a while asking him various questions. I agree Jesus would be a fascinating character to meet. I myself would love to meet Winston Churchill one of the greatest leaders of our time.
Tom said…
Somehow, I don't think blogging would be Jesus's style. He was always more of a personal contact kind of Savior of Mankind.

As for Thatcher, I don't know enough about UK politics to know more than the fact that she existed, did stuff, and now does less than she did before.

It's been awhile since I've stopped by, but I guess it's been awhile since I've stopped by a lot of the blogs I read. Turns out, girlfriends take a lot of time. Go figure.

Look forward to reading more in the future.
Tom said…
Somehow, I don't think blogging would be Jesus's style. He was always more of a personal contact kind of Savior of Mankind.

As for Thatcher, I don't know enough about UK politics to know more than the fact that she existed, did stuff, and now does less than she did before.

It's been awhile since I've stopped by, but I guess it's been awhile since I've stopped by a lot of the blogs I read. Turns out, girlfriends take a lot of time. Go figure.

Look forward to reading more in the future.
Tom said…
So... that was only supposed to post once.

See, it's probably best I don't comment often.
Marion said…
I wonder if blogging would make politicians more aware and more tolerant?

I think Jesus would have had a blog...I think he would have used every way he could to reach humanity.
Naomi said…
Hi Alastair

Just came across to remind you about the carnival. Don't forget to let me have your post by this Friday if possible. Many thanks
Anonymous said…
i am related to margaret thatcher! something like a 5th cousin once removed on my dad's side!

but then, to know that i had to have a dad who was into researching his family tree, which links to yr above post!!

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