Lots to think about

I seem to be spending a lot of time musing at the moment and not a lot of time doing. I mean, I am doing all the things I normally do, but not really doing more than that. I think part of it is because of the huge amount of work i did in January and February, followed by a week in France, I don't feel as though I have quite reconnected with everything yet.

In fact, things are eerily quiet in the parishes - I've done some visiting of the sick, I've had quite a lot of meetings, I've led a number of services, I've been out and about, I've had a day at Ely Cathedral finding out about what it means to be a 'Day Chaplain' (I will tell you more when I've done a day) and I've spent a lot of time with the family as wife and children have had very heavy colds which has meant no one has been completely healthy (except me) for a week or so.

Even so, that bit of spare time that has cropped up hasn't really seen me doing stuff - I've not been writing (that much is obvious) nor reading anything particularly serious, I did do a Holy Joes evening last week entitled 'What's all this resurrection business, then?' for which I re-read much of Rowan William's book 'Resurrection' which is very good indeed, alongside the pertinent parts of Hugh Montifiore's 'The Womb and the Tomb'. It just seems I have spent a fair amount of time thinking.

This is, in lots of ways, a good thing - its easy to keep going at full pelt and forget to reflect on what exactly is going on - considering where one is at and why, and where one hopes to be going. The thoughts I had about the possibility of ministering abroad are part of this process, inspired by having spent five days in Bergerac and by my reflections on the type of ministry I believe God might be calling me to. I am always telling people it is a good thing to slow down, to be counter-cultural in a world that seems to be making us speed up all of the time - so it is good for me to put that into practice myself!

So I will carry on my musing, there are some things i need to get done, and I am going to a training day about adult education and lay ministry on Thursday. When my musings turn into something defined I will share it with you, until then you might want to check out these....


Dr.John said…
For someone who is taking it easy you sure are doing a lot.
Anonymous said…
Enjoy your down time -- and your thinking. Don't forget to listen to that small, still voice.
Alicia said…
I treasure the little quiet moments. The shouting of the world is to be found everywhere. It's in those peaceful quiet alone times I can ponder more easily the truly important things of life, the things of God. He is always speaking to us... it's just a matter of "tuning in" and some times all it takes is the little quiet, prayerful moments.
Alastair ~ I just had a week off and I don't feel like I accomplished anything, take that time to reflect and ponder, we all need this down time.

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