Really quite poorly, actually

That cold turned into a pretty hefty bout of 'flu which knocked me out for the best part of a week, hence no postings! I then found myself thrown into our Marriage Preparation Day where we prepare as many couples as can make it for their wedding day later in the year. We find by putting all the content of what could be a number of evenings into one day we get a lot more done and we offer both some Christian perspective on what we believe marriage to be, and some practical help in putting together a very personal and individual wedding service. A good day, but quite intense and tiring...

Then Sunday was palm Sunday, which was a good day, I had three services on Sunday, all of which were very thought provoking for different reasons. We took different perspectives on the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem which then led into the reading of the full passion narrative from the Gospel of Matthew. Very moving, very profound. I only preached at one of the three services because for two of them the very long Passion Gospel was enough - the story spoke for itself. For the third service we didn't have the longer reading so I preached on the Gospel of the entry into Jerusalem. I will try and post that sermon here in the next few days.

We are now in the midst of Holy week, which sees lots of different worship events, and different opportunities to engage with the meaning of this time of year leading to Good Friday. Yesterday we had a service of penitence and Holy Communion which I led. It is a very reflective service with the opportunity to think about that old fashioned but still pertinent idea of 'sin' and to let go of some of the things which weigh us down as we follow Christ. During the service participants have the opportunity to place some incense on burning coals as a symbol of confession and of letting go of sin. Another very moving experience which led into a very simple and equally moving Communion as a reminder of the promise of wholeness God offers in this meal of restoration and taste of hope of the kingdom...

Now that's a sentence that bears unpacking...

another time, perhaps?

Of course in amongst all the special services we have the usual important things to do. Having the vestiges of 'flu hanging about means that its not wise for me to visit too many folk, esp if they are frail. I still have a sermon which I have to prepare and lead tomorrow and I have visited the family today. there is a lot going on at the local school which I have had a part in, today being the 50th anniversary of the opening of the school on its present site so we had a celebration culminating in a short service which I'd prepared and then a very enjoyable 'birthday tea'.

There's more school visiting to do tomorrow, along with some preparation for our special Good Friday service, and a funeral. So I will leave things here, just to say that I've missed you all :-) I will try and post more over the next few days, but no promises. Whatever happens, have a blessed Holy Week and a happy Easter. May the light and life of Christ be yours!


Anonymous said…
I am glad you are up and about. Just yesterday I was wondering where you had hiked off to -- I hope it was your bed!

We have been sick here, as well, and are still coughing and hacking. I am on Spring Break and am hoping to get well before the kids have another round of sharing their microbes with me.
carrotpreacher said…
Hello, great blog, I noticed you had Underworld listed as one of your music favorites which leads me to believe that you like electronica. If you do, please read my latest post (in fact, read the last few to understand what my blog is about). I'm trying to get this music thing going grassroots style.
Marion said…
Flu has hit here, too, Alastair. I hope you feel better very soon...with all those activities of yours, I don't think a flu bug has a chance!

Happy Easter!
Naomi said…
Hope you are feeling better again Alastair.

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