My first sermon for St John the Divine

Well, this is it, my opening sermon.  Don't get too excited, it won't win any preaching awards, nor lead to revival in BC, but I wanted to be clear and straightforward for my first Sunday serving in this place....

It will be available as a podcast soon (oooh, I hear you say, or maybe not)

Warning, I may have used the opening story before....

Eat Drink and be Merry ?

A priest takes up his new role as rector of a parish. All seems well during his first Sunday service and as people start leaving the minister says goodbye at the door and has the usual 'lovely sermon', 'thanks for joining us', 'welcome', 'glad to have you on board' etc from those leaving, until about ten people along a dishevelled looking man says 'long winded', and 'dreadful voice' and then wanders off back into the church. A few more folk shake hands and say farewell with 'thank you for your words for today', 'good to have you here' etc and the same chap returns saying 'boring', 'what have we done?', 'dreadful sermon'. [more]


Bob MacDonald said…
Diving right in, eh!
Bob MacDonald said…
Whoops - well caught - you found what my feeder reported, the diving when divine was intended. I had never noticed how close diving is to divine - maybe that's a good metaphor too.
Alastair said…
Hahahaha, thanks Bob, goes well with this that I received this morning (perhaps a Freudian slip, eh?)

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