Since I gave up hope i feel a lot better

Catchy title, eh? Feeling much better actually, but have always wanted to use this title of a Steve Taylor song of my teen years for something and it seemed like a goodie to get attention (oh lordy, attention grabbing at my age...)

Anyway, thanks to Annie for thoughts, feel loved and looked after now!

Just finished the Easter busy-ness, and what a great Holy Week and Easter it was, though after my services yesterday i crashed out on the sofa and am recovering from stiff neck due to dodgy sleeping position....

I find that taking time and effort over Holy Week has enhance my celebration of Easter significantly - it wasn't something i discovered until i started as a Curate in SW London (Hampton, to be precise) - my Vicar had a series of services that he went through every night in Holy Week and I since I became a Vicar myself I have followed the pattern and every year find more and more meaning in what we do.

Easter itself was joyful and refreshing, despite the physical tiredness of being up to do a dawn service (Sunrise at 6am, so had to be up at 5, and had been up til gone midnight due to lots of things needing preparing). Anyway, despite all that, there was a sense of spiritual refreshment that it was a pleasure to share in. Today has been a lazy and quiet day (hooray) with family (my mum and sister are here as well as wife and kidlets) just a few moments to blog in the middle of the day and now i can go out for a couple of hours and play with little 'uns elsewhere. So, time to tootle....



Jem said…
Glad the Easter joy has gotten to you Al! I'm struck by the difference between the last post and this one -- the run in to Easter is so knackering no matter what, and the rhythm you've set yourself for living sounds fairly wise. My only other comment would be that get up from 70 per cent of days off to nearer 100 per cent which are not encroached on would be good for you all no doubt. -- You'd need to find a holiday place a little nearer than France for that though ... !
Kathryn said…
I've had the opposite experience I guess, in that I'm absolutely reeling from the Holy Week/Easter experience (21 services between Palm Sunday morning and Easter Sunday evening) and I'm not at all sure that I managed to encounter God at more than 10% of them..
And I'm only a humble curate, so if it's like this now....
Days off were a joke during Lent, and this last week my vicar has been away (thanks to school hol muddle there wasn't alot of point in my taking the post Easter kids, no incentive to get away) so again The Day was encroached on...but its ALL good stuff,and I can't see how I could prune anything. All Very Difficult :-(

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