Trying out something new

I thought that if I installed blogger for word I might be inclined to blog more often, so here I am trying out the new setup, though I am not sure I will get it to work!  Anyway, just a test so I’m not going to waffle on too much.  I have a quiet week this week so am trying to get some visiting done and maybe some reading, hooray!


Alastair said…
I'm sure i used to say 'hallelujah' or the posh Anglican version 'Alleluia' more than hooray (now used in two posts consecutivificately as George W might say)

P'raps i am becoming secularised

or should that be more secularised....
Jem said…
I think it should be secularized with a zed!
Alastair said…
I was told that to use and s is perfectly acceptable in English, though i couldn't vouch for the validity of that

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