
There's a lot of fog around in the south of the UK at the moment - and we are in the thick of it. It's been like this for three days now and it will be like this, probably, for the next few days.

It's odd, it changes the feel of everything - the familiar roads I spend so many hours on doing my visiting seem completely alien, all the usual markers are obscured. Everything seems so quiet, and even in the daylight it feels dark. I can see where James Herbert got his idea for 'The Fog' from - it's oppressive and eerie. Shapes loom out as you walk or drive around, nothing is quite as you're used to. (I should say at this point, in an extended parenthetical section that reading James Herbert novels was pretty much my only point of rebellion in my evangelical teenage years, not much of a rebellion, but then I am not the rebellious type - except for being a Christian, which is the ultimate rebellion against the world. I might as well add that I really don't like James Herbert novels any more, probably an OD in my youth)

But it's not made me slow down, except my driving, I'm still fitting in plenty of visits and service planning and the like, which has been extremely rewarding this week. I've not actually managed to get that Christmas shopping done which I had hoped, maybe after tomorrow's Home Communions I will get that opportunity.


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