All quiet over here....

So, why no news? Well its partly been because I have no idea who reads or might stumble upon this blog, so I have had to keep my news off the radar until an official announcement! I have taken up the offer of a job in the South West of England, as Vicar of Six village Parishes on the Devon/Dorset Border! It's all been announced, and subject to me fulfilling the statutory formalities and conditions of the offer I will be off in October to pastures new...

...or rather pastures old, I was born six miles from where I am about to become Vicar and one of the villages which I will serve is a village I spent a lot of time in during my teens at with my brother's family. Even going back there on interview it felt very different to see everywhere from an 'adult' perspective, and it was exciting to hear about all the things which are going on in the churches in these villages - as well as the potential for more to happen in terms of outreach and of serving these communities.

This has been my major news for a couple of weeks now, and every time I have sat down at my PC I've wanted to blog about it, but its unfair both on my current congregations and the place where I am going to allow news of my appointment to 'slip out' before the official announcement - that only leaves room for disappointment, rumours and general bad feeling.

So here I am now, catching up on all the admin I've let slide whilst zipping around the country going to job interviews and seeing villages and all that kind of thing. A quick word to those of you gracious enough to stop by, and I am back to the paperwork. I have at least one sermon to post, so will do that when i have some time, hopefully later on tonight!

See ya....


Anonymous said…
Congrats, Alastair! I look forward to joining you on this new adventure. I'll keep you and your family in my prayers as you prepare to move.
TimN said…
Congratulations and best wishes from the Norwoods

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