A Sermon Online - been a while!

Yes it has been a while, but I thought that as I have managed to breathe a little life into this blog, (the Mothership of my blogging world) I should really add something to New Kid Deep Stuff.  There's lots of stuff I said I would put online, some thoughts on silence, my notes on Social Media Spirituality etc and maybe I will get them here, or maybe put them straight onto this blog, but for now here is my Sermon, preached this very morning and written just hours ago (a sermon about which I got quite excited, as I grabbed my Greek Lexicon and looked up various words) - some thoughts about today's set reading for Colossians...

Year C Christmas 1 2012

Striking Images

One of the things I love about the Bible is the rich and varied images that leap out of the pages whenever and wherever I read it.... (Continued)


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