Blog talkers for Father's day

I know I'm not posting this on Father's day, but here is this week's blog talkers...
Where did your father go to work every day and what did he do? How did his job affect your family?
My father (strictly speaking my step-father, but as much of a 'dad' as any biological father) was an Irish 'Navvy' - he worked in construction mainly, ran a roofing/asphalting business for a while, and filled in with factory work when there was nothing else available. He worked hard for as long as he was able, and was very much a man who felt he should 'bring home the bacon' for his family - and instilled by his example rather than by telling us that having a family was a responsibility that should be taken seriously. He did have a major family - 17 kids! - but worked hard and expected us all to work hard too at whatever we did in life. It means that even now the idea of being thought of as lazy is one of the things I fear most!

Dad had a work ethic that meant you grabbed your chances where you could, and if that meant doing something menial to plug a gap in employment then he would do it. We did have financial help from social services, and never had a massive income, but none of us went hungry, or lacked clothes, or really went without. We didn't always have what some of our richer neigbours had, and I wasn't exactly a style guru in my youth as the latest gear was beyond our resources (plus then, like now, I had terrible taste!) but we were never deprived, and life was full and fun.

My father's attitude to work and life and family was all mixed up together. He was a hard man who had seen some tough times, but he kept the care and protection of his family as his top priority.


Anonymous said…
I've been a little short on ideas for the blog these days. Is the "Blog Talkers" site a good source for fresh ideas?

My father was much the same way, he worked hard, but drank heavily. He reads my blog, so I have to really temper what I write about him. But I could tell some stories.
Dr.John said…
You had a great father. He gave you great values.
Marion said…
Wow, 17 kids! I don't know if I could manage to feed and clothe 17 kids in this day and age, although I really believe I would have liked to try.

Your dad was amazing...his values shine through in your posts!

For a few years, I raised six boys from foster care, along with my own two girls. It was mostly havoc, with much joy thrown in for good measure.

I hope I gave them some good values during the time they spent with me. I think I did, they have all gone on to have families, and have faced responsibilities well.

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