Bookmark me now!

If you come from a traffic exchange (trafficpods, boostmystats, bionichits, teamhits, clickvoyager), and have a vague interest in coming back here every now and then, please bookmark me as I am gradually letting my credits run down and will be appearing less and less. This is, in part, because I have lost that sense of needing affirmation by having lots of visitors and, in part, not wanting to to spend time clicking for credits. Glen got me thinking and I've just moved on from there!

In an effort to make it easier for those with limited connectivity and 15 second timers I have cut down the number of pages displayed initially on this blog (see, I do listen and take note, and I do hope it helps), so until the credits disappear I will, I hope, not be slowing things up too much.

i have signed up for a couple of purely blog exchanges, but I find that I like surfing that way as I find out lots of interesting, obscure and generally weird things - and there are no ads, apart from banners on some pages!

As an aside, over the past couple of days I've seen a lot more blogs on some of the above exchanges, and it seems to be the done thing to put mySpace pages on ClickVoyager - it does make a nice break from the stream of adverts.


Dr.John said…
I have 1000 unused points on Blog explosion but haven't bothered to use them because I am happy with the traffic I have. I never felt that they read much in the 30 seconds in any case.
Anonymous said…
Hey Allistair, I didnt want for you to move on, I do read your posts, I see them quite often from way back when your little boy was not doing well.
I just wanted to let you know that a lot of posts on the front page slows things down a bit.
It is not for me to push someone aside, please do not leave on my behalf, I am not selfish, just trying to get some credits.
I beleive everyone has the right to be here, depending on content of course.
I wish you, your family and your six villages well if you do move on, but again, I was not asking you to leave or pull the blog.
now I feel pretty low
Marion said…
Wow! You've been busy, Alastair! It took me awhile to catch up on your posts!

In Canada, as part of my education in school, we were required to learn all the Provinces, their Capital cities, all the States and their capitals, and all of Britain and their counties. People who were good a memorizing did well.

I only remember Canada's stats, mostly, now, lol.

My blog's for me. If others enjoy it and take a bit away with them, great. And if it doesn't load quickly enough, perhaps it wasn't meant to be read by that person, at that particular time. Lol

I like the blog exchanges, as well...lots of variety!

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