Happy New Year!

Wow, the end of 2007 has flown by and things have been completely manic around here, the various bouts of illness (which eventually overtook all four of us here at the Rectory) combined with some unexpected pastoral events along with a lot of Christmas activity left me as near to complete exhaustion as I have ever felt. It just seemed to be relentless! A few days away have helped, though my hoped for week off hasn't been possible and having worked a couple of extra days after Christmas day I find I have to go back tomorrow to get some things sorted out...

no rest for the wicked!

But before I amble off to my bed I wanted to wish you all the best for the New Year, may 2008 be a better year than 2007 for all of you. thanks for the good wishes and the various comments over my couple of weeks of complete absence from the blogging world, I really appreciate it. There's been a huge amount going on in my head which I have longed to get down on the blog, but maybe I will wait until there is some semblance of mental order before actually letting my many and various thoughts loose on the world.

See you later in the year (hopefully tomorrow!)


Nick Payne said…
Yep... best wishes to you too for 2008 Alastair!

Seems to be a season for the Hound of Heaven to set people thinking. I've been blogging a bit heavy but that's because I have little choice. If I don't set it down i may just be giving myself an excuse to bury it under a convenient carpet.


Anonymous said…
Happy New Year!

Time for s'more TGQDC!
Anonymous said…
May 2008 be just as rewarding, though only half as hectic!
goatman said…
I'll be listening, let it flow.
Best to ye.
Happy New Year Alastair, Glad to read you are feeling somewhat better.


PS, when you get the chance stop by the blog I have a surprise for you.
Dr.John said…
I never did learn to pace myself and after every holiday I was always exhausted. May God bless your ministry in the year to come.
Naomi said…
Happy New Year to you and your family Alastair. It's nice to see you back blogging again. We've missed you.

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