Can't believe I missed Tom

Should have put Tom in my list of thinking bloggers! His site is great, often funny, thoughtful, deep and also relevant. he is also cool due to being a biker and giving me the opportunity to use the phrase 'wind and rain in yer nads' in a public forum...

Out of context that might seem a bit rude, so read the post and the comments here...

Actually, just go and read the blog, it's great. I really enjoyed his most recent post, and felt very affirmed in my vocation with his comments on 'laymen, pastors and the great unwashed masses' (Is that last one some kind of Holy Communion for Roman Catholics who don't bathe?

Hope a whole post dedicated to the kudos laden being that is Tom makes up for skipping him in an almost inexcusable way from my list of Thinking Bloggers...


Tom said…
No kudos necessary. Like I said, I liked your choices.

As for my last post, I'm just glad there are enough crazy people out there to be preachers. Can you imagine what would happen if sane people took up that position? It wouldn't be pretty.
Aw man! You beat me to it! I'm nominating BOTH of you guys for the Thinking Blog award! I will write up a post as soon as I can!

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