patchy and all over the place

And that's the weather, let alone my blogging...

It's been an odd July, no summer to speak of in the UK, and whenever I dare to venture out in shorts I seem to attract rain - and a comment of 'fat git' from some random person in a car park this morning, which I had to process by thinking of clever insulting replies which I would never say to anyone!

It's been a real case of writers block for me in this past couple of weeks, I have struggled even to put sermons together - which is not like me at all, normally the words kind of leak out of me without much rational control, though I like to think I make sense at least 60% of the time. I think it's just being so busy and rather tired with all the events and experiences of the past few months and its all catching up on me as I wait, or rather long, for my holiday in a few weeks time. We are going en vacances to France and leaving the house in the care of a housesitter soon, and i am starting to count down the days.

The end of the school year means lots and lots of events both in my capacity as a parent of a pupil and as Vicar/Governor in our local schools. The school which I am not a governor of has had their end of term show which was fun, and I've been visiting there to do assemblies all term - though I will have to miss their final assembly of the year as I am going to be at the school in this village which has its final assembly tomorrow too!

Alongside this, the usual round of weddings, fetes, funerals, baptisms and all the visits that go along with that have seen my days pretty well packed. My brain is full.

In case you think I'm having a moan, this isn't the case - I'm trying to give a long list of excuses as to why I've not blogged (not that I really need to explain myself to anyone, but it makes me feel better) and to say that lots has been going on, I'm not trapped under a rock, and thanks for those of you who've stopped by even though I've not updated anything....


Anonymous said…
A good posting is worth waiting for.
Marion said…
Have a wonderful holiday; sounds just the ticket!
Naomi said…
Have a good holiday. Sounds like the break will do you and your family good.
Anonymous said…
I found your awesome blog via Blogexplosion!
Really great stuff here...
I bookmarked this.

I would really appreciate your opinion or comment via posting a comment on my blog if you get a spare moment :)

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