Did it!

I did get a sermon written, thanks for your help and suggestions folks! And thanks to Quilly for being very helpful with her 'build a Quilly sermon v.1.0' feature that may find itself in use sometime soon!

So, I preached on the Bible, though not 'from' the Bible, normally I am careful to link what I say with the Lections for the Day, but this time I let them speak for themselves and did a little bit about how we approach scripture. I think many of us have a very limited approach to scripture and just see it all as one big lump of inspired 'stuff' without thinking or learning about what actually makes up our Bibles. But rather than launch into sermon mark II I will do my usual of giving you the opening bit and then letting you follow that up at New Kid Deep Stuff by clicking on the [more] at the end.

As for how I ended up with this sermon, I actually used the basis of an old sermon and extensively rewrote and added to it! For those who are used to the 40 minute (or more) mega-message every Sunday this is a short sermon, for those used to Anglican sermons this is a long one (about 15 minutes!). I usually say that if you can't say it in 10 minutes then you're wasting your time as people never remember much more than that, and very few people take notes (I'm not sure I want people to note what I say anyway!) so 15 minutes was a bit way out for me :-)

So here goes. Oh, and the readings link straight to the Oremus Bible Browser (NRSV) so you can see what the background to my talk was...

Bible Sunday (2007) Year C RCL Principal

Today is the Last Sunday after Trinity, it is also the Feast day of the Apostles St Simon and St Jude, and on top of that it is ‘Bible Sunday’ – so our thoughts this morning are focussed around the idea of the feast of God’s word that is our Bible. And I have only minutes to get to grips with the subject. So here goes, oh and for those who were at Team Evening Worship last week who recognise any of this, my apologies, some of this had to be said again!

How would you describe the Bible? (Few suggestions?) Word of God is the usual one. It is a title we need to be careful of, though – JESUS IS THE WORD OF GOD (John 1.1 ‘In the beginning was the Word’) I have a high regard for the Bible, it is foundational in my faith, it guides me, leads me, tells me the roots of the Christian story and invites me to join in. But I do not worship the Bible, I worship Jesus Christ. [more]


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