Stretching myself

I've done it again, I've signed up again with NaNoWriMo in an effort to kickstart my writing by trying to put together a novel in a month, now how that fits with everything else is a bit of a mystery to me at the moment, but it might happen!

Alongside that, as November is obviously going to be some kind of miraculous time-stretching kind of month I've also committed to post daily in November. NaBloPoMo is the name of this new experiment I've been daft enough to sign up on the button on the right hand side to see what that's about...

And in December I plan to have a nice lie down, though something tells me it might not be the quietest month to try that....

Oh, having messed up the Cindra competition I have submitted another entry - though I'm not going to say which one this time! They're all here, read through and vote for one, go on, you know you want to...

And now for one last set of full stops...


Anonymous said…
Last year I did NaBloPoMo. I didn't miss a single post. Nobody even thanked me for playing. This year I am contemplating NaNoWriMo, but not for them, for me. I really should get back into my writing.
Dr.John said…
Good luck in all your efforts.
Marion said…
Wow, Alastair...sounds like a busy month! I will be sure to check in often, to keep up on the subject theme you've chosen...a month of writing on something will surely aid you in understanding it.
bettygram said…
Sounds like you have a busy month coming up. Good Luck.
Marshamlow said…
I am doing the NaBloPoMo, I am going to try to find you and add you to my friend list. Good luck. Do you have a plan or are you going to wing it? I have a plan to blog about all of our travels and get those things all written about and organized. At least I wont run out of things to say. Good luck.
Naomi said…
Sounds like November will be a busy month Alastair. Good luck with your novel! I'm also in the process of writing a book. I'll have a look at the site you mentioned.

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