It really is catch up time!

In an effort to operate a policy of full disclosure, or at least to get up to date, here's the latest sermon I have posted at New Kid Deep Stuff. In case you were wondering the [more] at the bottom of the post doesn't open up the post itself, it takes you off to the exciting realm of my other blog site. Just so those who don't want to read a whole sermon can look at the other things here, really - thanks to Standing Under the Sky for the tip! Unfortunately a quick look around my bookmarks reveals that Standing Under the Sky no longer exists so hopefully the thanks vibes will end up with whoever....

The Sermons begin (more posts over the next few days, hopefully)

Christmas 1 2008


I enjoyed my Christmas this year, actually I enjoy my Christmas celebrations every year, and the many and varied services I took part in were quite moving and very enjoyable. But now the big day has come and gone, the present wrappings have all been cleared up, the aftermath of the mammoth meal has been dealt with, and we settle down to another dose of reality after all of the celebrations have finished. Of course we still have the New Year to see in, but Christmas is past until next August when the shops put their decorations up again. [more]


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