there probably is no bus

Just a quick link, which seems to be getting a lot of coverage

The bus slogan generator

After the Atheist Bus Campaign printed 'There probably is no God. So stop worrying and get on with your life.' on the sides of buses, claiming that they were fed up of 'religious advertising' (actually, many of us with any kind of faith aren't so keen on most 'religious advertising') someone had to come up with a way of being able to make our own bus posters on line, and here it is! Enjoy!

Oh, and the campaign did a great job of getting people to actually talk about faith, which is a good thing - maybe I should contribute to the campaign to keep these posters going :-)

My favourite response was from the Church Times cartoonist Noel Ford. ..not sure if this is copyright, if so then i will take it down if requested...

Go see the Church Times site anyway, its worth a bit of a look around....


Anonymous said…
If I ever publish it is my fervent hope that someone group threatens to ban my books. I'll be certain to sell a million copies over night ....
That news made it over here, I really don't know how I'd feel if I had to drive a bus with this advert on the side of it. Typical Calgarian's would blame me for the sign being there. I did like the cartoon, that could be our Route #19
Dr.John said…
In the community where I served we had this person who would come on " telephone time" on the radio and attack churches. It caused a lot of people to think about their faith.
Melli said…
As the saying goes, ANY advertising is GOOD advertising! Right?

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