Going mad with blogger

Have had lots of fun in past couple of days doing some rather dodgy (ie haphazard, not illegal or immoral) cutting and pasting with html and adding links and other buttons etc etc as somd of you may have noticed.

Actually, i say some of you, but i really have no idea if this is ever read - except that every now and then i get a comment, which i am always grateful for - so i have added a site meter, which was looking rather pathetic with a zero on it when i put it on. Anyway, it might give me some idea of whether anyone pops by and doesn't comment - and if it still looks lonely in a couple of weeks i will change the code (i can do that now, waheey) so i only can see the site stats and pretend that all this wordage does go somewhere...


quantumtea said…
The internet is watching...

Hello Alastair!
Dave Lynch said…
Thanks for your comment and linking to my blog, i'll do the same for you.

I was down your way recently, I have a friend who is pastoring a Baptist Church in Rougham near Bury St Edmunds.

Keep on blogging but don't become a slave to the blog, already it is becoming a competitive practice, not healthy, and as your posts prove, no substitute for meeting face to face.

moog said…

Thought I'd drop buy and see how it looks, your code for godblogs is broken, and the bible gateway search button is too wide for my lap top, so it means that all your links are pushed right to the bottom of the screen.

I've come over in person, cos I quite often read your blogs on my news reader, so your site meter wouldn't pick me up. So whatever site meter says, your actual readership is at least one more per post!
Alastair said…
Thanks for the comments (wasn't meant to sound whiny or self pitying!) Moog - I'm not clever enough to do anything with BibleGateway so if it is a pain i may well dispose of it and put in as a text link. With regards to GodBlogs it seems to work when i use it, so i don't know what to say.....

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