Be opened

Wasn't planning to add this week's sermon to my blog, but here is a version of it. I think it is because I finally said something of what i wanted to say about Mark 7. 24-37

Year B Proper 18 (2006) RCL Principal


Today's Gospel reading is a familiar passage, the story of a Syro-Phonecian Woman who approached Jesus with a request to heal her daughter, and was dismissed by him until she came back with the esquisite reposte ‘even the dogs get to eat the crumbs under the table’ – a phrase that has sunk deep into the spirituality of the English as our Prayer Book has included it as the foundation for what is known as the ‘Prayer of Humble access’. “We are not worthy even to gather up the crumbs under thy table” we will pray later on in this service as we recognise our own sinfulness and the response of God’s grace despite that sinfulness.

But it is an uncomfortable story, at least it should be if we look at it closely. We believe in a Jesus who said (other words that come up later in our service) ‘Come unto me all that travail and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.’ and a Jesus who welcomed and touched the outcast, the leper, the sinner – yet in this short passage we are shown a Jesus who rejects a woman because of her lack of status and her national heritage. He goes so far as to allude that she is a dog – ‘it is not fair to take the children's food and throw it to the dogs’ he says in verse 27 of Mark chapter 7. Not terribly flattering, in fact downright insulting. But the woman does not leave it there and her quick response about being allowed to take the crumbs under the table causes Jesus to change his mind and offer healing to this woman’s daughter.

But this time it is not the woman and her persistence that I want to commend. I want to consider exactly what it is that Jesus did in that encounter.

Some preachers, and indeed many normal people I have met, contend that Jesus was testing the woman who came to him – that it was an attempt to elicit faith from her that would make the healing of her daughter possible – for again and again in the Gospels we have the refrain ‘your faith has made you well’ or ‘your faith has saved you.’

I have to say, that if this was Jesus’ aim it was done rather cruelly, by dismissing the woman and insulting her. Remember this was a woman who meant nothing in first century Palestinian society – she wasn’t a Jew, she was a woman and she had no husband or sons to give her value in society’s eyes. It was a case of ‘three strikes and you’re out’ for jewish society! She was consigned to widow-hood with an equally valueless daughter and wasn’t worth bothering with. If Jesus was testing her he did it by adding to her sense of worthlessness and lack of importance.

On the other hand, perhaps (and many find this hard to accept) Jesus made a mistake! Perhaps his understanding was that he had been called to bring the Jewish people back to God and that the Gentiles had no place in that plan. Perhaps at this juncture in his ministry he had to think again about the mission God had given him and reconsider his role over and above the calling to bring Israel back to God.

I find this far more plausible. And far more encouraging. And in keeping with the Gospel records with who and what Jesus was.

The main argument against Jesus making a mistake and having to correct himself is that he was God and therefore infallible. Yet the witness of our Scriptures is that though the people who knew him described him as God and worshipped him, they could also only talk about him as a man. And the teaching of the early Church was that in Jesus Christ we see someone who is fully God and fully human – someone who was, as the writer to the Hebrews says, exactly as we are, yet without sin.

And it is not for us as human beings to know everything! In fact, if we knew everything we would no longer be human but something else, some kind of super-human, or ultra-human, or something alien and beyond human.

This is not what the Bible says. Jesus was as we are. Those who shared his life saw him hunger and thirst, they saw him get tired, angry, confused about his mission and ministry, they saw him weep at the death of a friend. There is no picture of a serene Jesus wandering about Galilee with a sort of divine filofax the spelled out in advance what he would be doing each day (the seven visions before breakfast approach) and exactly how his mission was to develop. Our Biblical witness is of a Jesus who struggled, who felt pain, who was saddened. Who did everything we did, except sin.

And that perhaps is the crux of the issue, for many people confuse Jesus making a mistake with Jesus sinning. And my conviction is that Jesus didn’t sin, I believe wholeheartedly the Biblical witness, yet this story is given to us to show that he did make a mistake. Perhaps the sin would have been if he had continued to turn the woman away, if he didn’t listen to her response and refused to heal her daughter because of her status and her race. Yet Jesus heard, and his response is a telling on – ‘you have answered well’ – or to put it more colloquially, perhaps ‘good answer..’ The translation of the Bible known as the message, putting Scripture into contemporary language says this for Mark 7 29 & 30
Jesus was impressed. "You're right! On your way! Your daughter is no longer disturbed. The demonic affliction is gone.
Jesus sees a new aspect to his mission, to reach out to all people for God’s sake, and from this point in our Gospel he states his commitment to the world and not just the Jewish people.

I believe this is why the author of Mark’s Gospel follows this story with another encounter with Jesus where someone’s who has been deaf and unable to speak since birth has their ears and mouth opened ‘Ephphatha’ says Jesus – meaning ‘be opened’ – perhaps a reflection of his own experience in that previous encounter, as he found himself opened to the power of God’s work in the world.

So what can we learn from this today? Why go into so much detail with what is, in actual fact, quite a short story in our Gospels?

This story gives us a glimpse of what it is possible for us to be! If Jesus is always beyond us, never making mistakes, never having to change his mind – then we lose the fact that we are called to be like him and we constantly say to ourselves that is beyond our reach to be like Jesus. Again, this is not the message of the Bible, we are called to be transformed into those who are Christlike by the power of God’s holy Spirit. That is our calling as followers of Christ, and this story reminds us that it is possible and that we can make mistakes and seek to be those who are sinless.

This wonderful passage also reminds us to be open to the unexpected, and willing to change our minds, just as Jesus was and did. That sin comes from stubbornness and the unwillingness to see where God may be at work.

Lastly we are shown that in God’s scheme of things there are no outcasts, even those who society rejects, who have no apparent value are those who can receive God’s amazing, unmerited, overwhelming gift of love and life.

May we be those willing to learn, willing to accept our mistakes, and longing to be like Christ. Ephphatha – be opened.


I found your sight while reading your comments on Sarah's. I really enjoyed both of your thoughts on this passage. So many people address the deaf man or the mute etc...

I find the way Jesus addresses the woman horrible. If you or I would do that it would be a sin but with Jesus it isn't? (your comment on fully man and fully God, without sin got me on thinking this). Could it be Jesus was like all of us learning God's will? I just wonder if being of God, chosen byt God and being God might be well,
I guess I should say help here!

You've got me thinking. My heart cries for the woman and her daughter.
Peace Bob
Alastair said…

Thanks for the comment. Jesus seems to have bought into the prevailing culture which simply dismissed the woman and her daughter, but his response to the encounter has a transformative effect on both him and the Syrophonecian family! I'm not sure that being inculturated is a sin, and in lots of ways it is 'the way of the world' - perhaps the sin comes from remaining within falsehood when you see there is another way.

Lots to think about though, Sarah Dylan Breur's post on the same item was great, putting what i said in a much better way (i think, that's not false humility but an acknowledgement of her skill). I was amazed though, that not having read her blog she saw many of the same things i did in it.

We, of course, view the scriptures through 21st century lenses, so the way we see Jesus acting jars with our way of acting, this was in a different culture in a different time. Perhaps we are over sensitive?
Alastair said…
unfortunately the link i tried to include just brings you back here, so try going to Dylan's lectionary blog from the links on my sidebar and finding proper 18.


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