Sitting thinking

About what to say tomorrow... The readings for the day are Proverbs 1.20-33, James 3.1-12,
Mark 8.27-end
and the one that stands out as 'obvious candidate' for thoughts for the day is the reading from Mark where one minute Peter tells Jesus 'you are are the Messiah' and moments later Jesus is saying to him 'get behind me satan'...

Not an easy one to tackle in an 'all age service' - which is the main service tomorrow. But then the James and Proverbs readings don't offer an obvious hook either, at least not one that i think young and old can grasp.

Also tomorrow evening I am doing a longer talk on 'Jesus and People' - part of a new series of 'Jesus and...' talks we are starting in our 'informal service'. I plan to talk about the way that people encountered Jesus and his encounters with them - I might even post both sets of thoughts here if it seems appropriate.


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