More going on

Didn’t mention, as wanted to keep in a separate post, of a visit over the weekend by another clergybeing – one previously mentioned in postings – Chaplain to a northern University College and all round great bloke…

Over the course of the weekend, when not distracted by various concerns, we managed to fit in some deep thoughts about what we are, what we’re doing, and where we’re going.  he mentioned my previous expressions of ‘not quite envy’ about his lifestyle – relatively free, travelling, academic engagement alongside pastoral work and talked about his ‘grass greener’ vibes to do with my situation as a country minister, with a family and a nice Rectory, various interests and, explicitly mentioned, motorbikes.  I’m not sure why I mention this, but it was a nice reminder of what I am blessed with, and how learning to live where we are – spiritually as well as physically – is a difficult part of our self-integration.

Came away from the weekend with profound sense of gratitude for all I am blessed with – and for friends who have rich lives of their own who help me see how rich mine is.  Thanks Jem!    


Alastair said…
When i said 'not quite envy', i meant that i was kind of jealous, but at the same time not. There, glad that's settled - just didn't want anyone thinking of me as the envious type, that was all....

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