Anyone got any ideas for a novel

NaNoWriMo is looming and having signed up i am experiecing my first ever case of writer's block. So any ideas for a theme, plot, characters gratefully recieved. We could write a shared novel, with me getting the credit, obviously! Ummm, there's probably something in the rules about that....

So, that's me, how are you today?


melodrameric said…
Here's an idea. What about a world where Christ hadn't risen from the dead. What would it be like? Would you have hospitals, roads, civilization or a world degenerated into animistic voodoo. What would the date be and what would it be based on? These, obviously are not plot points, they are just a setting. But what if God answered that prayer of Christ's in Gethsemane a different way. What if he said, "Nah, they're not worth it...yet. Maybe later." The idea of a novel out of this is God giving mankind a second chance. I don't know...those are just some thoughts.

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