Some more music

I did say i would talk a bit more about music, so here is a bit about Martyn Joseph.

I have been following Martyn for a very long time, and love his songwriting and the passion of his convictions, which are many and varied but spring from a deeply Christian faith-filled approach to life. I was there when he moved from being a somewhat bland artist on the Christian mainstream in the UK to an impassioned singer-songwriter who wanted to communicate often uncomfortable truths within and without the church. He has been described as the 'welsh woody guthrie'..and lots more besides, but if you like guitar based, thoughtful music then check out, in no particular order...

Check out his website for samples, including bits from his new DVD. This is not a sales pitch (despite the links) but hopefully an opportunity for anyone who wants to to discover some new music.


Alastair said…
what i should have said is i have been following Martyn's music! But blogger wont let me back in to edit the post!

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