Another thought for the week catchup

Might as well get these passed on... Feedback allowed, too late to change them now as they have all been published, but what the hey....

This was printed at the New Year

New Year – New you?

It’s that time of year when resolutions are made to be broken! Advertisers go into top gear trying to get us to diet, give up smoking, drinking or whatever or to take up something new. We all feel the need to improve and do better and New Year gives us a time to make a new start; remember though whatever you decide to do God loves you as you are.

There is always room for improvement, but as St Paul writes in the letter to the Romans “God demonstrates his love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us”. The life of faith seeks to lead us to perfection, which admittedly might not happen this side of heaven, but God’s love for us is there no matter who or what we are. God loves you, love yourself, love others.


Melli said…
I can tell I am going to like these little thoughts of yours! Yes indeed!

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