What a Vicar does on their day off

Hmm, before I say anything else I should say that I might not be typical of most Clergy in what I do with my day off...

It's been an interesting day, for some reason I didn't sleep at all well last night and I was kindly left alone for a lie in until 9am! My little girl had a long sleep too as she has been in the local Pantomime, and is staying up considerably later than she is used too. But more of that in a moment.

When I did get up I did the usual breakfast/shower/make myself beautiful routine followed by writing a 'Thought for the Week' to be published next week. On reading some headlines about 'The Church' I was struck again how Church only seems to be news when there's a division or a mistake or a disagreement that can be highlighted. So I did a thought about the local church and where the true face of the Church can be seen. I have nearly caught up with 'thought for the week' column on this blog so I may well publish that one on time next Wednesday!

After that I went off to a local scrapyard to try and pick up a hinge for the Land Rover - we deliberately bought an old car partly because it was cheaper, but also because we didn't want a shiny flash car but a workhorse - this means that we bought it knowing there were some bits and bobs to be done to it... We are fortunate to have a friend who knows what he's doing with various repairs and he has been and is very helpful. We found the part we needed and the breaker told me to come back later after it was removed from the car.

When I got home some friends from our old Parish of Eltisley dropped in, it was a joy to see them and they are great people. Moving on in this job means that you leave behind friends and often fall out of touch because you never have weekends to go visit on. It was just like old times seeing them again, and as I have said before this move was a very good thing and these villages are great to be a part of, but I do miss my friends and colleagues from my previous Team. In fact just this week I found myself writing a long talk as a favour for one of my previous colleagues, which I may well publish on New Kid Deep Stuff - as I've not put anything up there for weeks, months even. (That last sentence sounds better as a Snagglepuss impression).

After some chinwag, and a chance to spend a while with my gorgeous children I went off to collect the bit for the car, then we had some more time with our friends, then supper with them (from the local Chippy) and after that I went to the pantomime (with my mum) to see my daughter's performance.

It was an excellent evening, funny, lively, musical and really well done! It showed just what a group of dedicated people within a small community can do. I have to say it was significantly better than the panto I saw last year in a town not too far from here - that one was about an hour too long and not quite as well done all round. There were lots of laughs, some wonderful hamming about and I even got a mention... that's a first!

Never a dull moment in this place. Once again I feel fortunate, or perhaps more accurately 'blessed', to be here.

Now, another thought for the week.... this one from the end of January - and it seems to fit with today's events.


If you ask most people how they would describe Jesus, I doubt many of them would say ‘funny’! But the Gospels, the books of the Bible that tell us about the life of Jesus, are filled with stories and sayings of Christ that are thought provoking, moving, and funny. He talked of God’s kingdom as a party, a feast, he was accused of being a glutton and drunkard, he turned water into the finest wine, he told people to take planks out of their own eye before criticising the speck in someone else’s and he said, in St John’s Gospel, ”I have come to bring life in all its fullness”. These are not the actions of a killjoy. The life of faith is not about being miserable and sombre, but about thanking God for the good things we have and enjoying them. Live life, and faith, to the full!


quilly said…
I wanted a full exciting life. When I was just a child I prayed for a life of fun and adventure -- and God has gifted me with it, and laughter and joy in abundance. God is good!
Melli said…
And "I tell you the truth! It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to obtain Heaven!" And... can you just SEEEEEEEE Him roll his Holy eyes at Mary when he says "Woman, why do you ask me such things? You knOW my time has not yet come!" ... very tongue in cheek, I think! And then of course, He does it anyway! And yes! People didn't LOVE to party with Jesus for NO reason! He WAS fun! Of COURSE He was! I've always said it! Indeed!

Sounds like you had a wonderful day off - not much relaxing about it - but a lot of good solid pleasure involved! I do wish you would post some pictures of your daughter doing the pantomime.

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