A thought for Lent

Tomorrow is the start of Lent and we will be observing this important day with Holy Communion and the imposition of Ashes twice tomorrow. In marking this day I am going to confuse myself by publishing my thought for the week out of the publishing order! This is my thought for this week, even though I still have a few to catch up on...

Don't Give Up

Pancakes are done, now it’s Ash Wednesday and the start of Lent. These days, Lent is normally associated with giving up chocolate or cigarettes or coffee or wine but I would like to encourage you with three words: “Don’t give up!”. The reason for fasting in Lent was to prepare for the great celebration of Easter forty days later and to have a time of discipline before the most important day of the Church year – that didn’t have to mean giving things up, but doing things differently. I recommend you do something different this year, go to Church or to a Bible Study meeting, read a book about faith, make time for a bit of silence or prayer each day, have more time with friends or family. Use Lent as a time to think, pray, talk and reconsider life – or as the saying goes ‘Love Life Live Lent’.


Melli said…
I love that idea Alastair! Since I've been dieting for the past 7 weeks anyway, there's really not MUCH for me to give up! I've given up calories. But the idea of spending some extra time in prayer or journaling with the Lord, is very appealing to me. As a matter of fact... I had already begun that during the 5 days I was off from blogging and decided I really LIKED having that extra time with Him! So I do think this is my plan for this Lenten season!
Anonymous said…
Thank you Alastair. Helped to make sense of Lent. I will certainly consider carefully how I observe this time.

quilly said…
Alastair -- I haven't done my daily prayer journal in years. I think it is time to take it back up. Thank you. Brilliant idea.

You do realize that you are now, by default, our online pastor? Look, a new ministry you weren't even looking for ...
Rachel said…
nice, I like this, I tried to say something in a lot more words (only because I had to do it as a devotional thought for work) which I republished here http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/note.php?note_id=337725625866

Alastair said…
Thanks for your comments - even your slightly mick taking one Rach....

Quilly, I'm not sure I feel quite worthy of filling Dr John's shoes in any way... and I certainly don't have the imagination for anything like Pigeon Falls! I hope my offerings might be worth something, though...

What I would say is that the stuff that you, Melli, Bill, Thom and others write is as pastoral & profound as anything I could ever offer - perhaps we could all pastor each other...

I was so tempted to blow the credit card and get on a plane to Dr John's funeral... all just a bit too much and a little too far away though. I might not have made it even if I had set off on Wednesday anyway....

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