Goodbye John Linna

When I started blogging four years ago (or so, not quite sure exactly how long) there was a blog I discovered very early on which was funny, warm, thoughtful and encouraging. It was by a retired Lutheran minister called Dr John, who had a predilection for Dragons, a great sense of humour and a prodigious and expansive imagination. Every day had a link to a blog site he was enjoying, an episode of his intriguing and fantastic adventures from Pigeon Falls and a few of his reflections on the world around and life in general. Dr John's Fortress was somewhere I returned to again and again, and if I was absent for any length of time from the blogosphere it would inevitably be the place I went to first in my catchup list. Even a couple of weeks ago when I decided to try and blog a little more often my first instinct was to visit the fortress and have a smile and a pause for thought there.

Dr John always seemed to think I was a closet Lutheran, and tried to 'out' me every now and then - some of the most encouraging comments I received here and at New Kid Deep Stuff were responses to my sermons and thoughts from him. I felt very privileged that he considered me as one who shared many of his values.

So I was saddened when Quilly contacted me by email and said that Dr John had died this morning. The blog world will be poorer without him, and he will be missed. For all those sceptics who say that the Internet only creates shallow and meaningless relationships Dr John was the antithesis of this - genuine, warm, not trying to be anything but himself, many of us appreciated what he contributed and he will be genuinely missed.

Requiem in pacem, Dr John, a good man and a great pastor. Remember in prayer his wife Betty, and all of his family in their loss.


Beautiful tribute Alastair. I to considered Dr John a True friend. His was always the first blog I visited when I fired up the computer to visit my friends.

We have lost a Truly Good Friend today and our thoughts and prayers will be with Betty and the family.

And as I've said at a couple of other tributes, We now have another Angel in Heaven watching over us.

Rest in Peace Pastor John.
quilly said…
Dr. John was one of the most genuine people I ever met. He didn't just preach his faith, he lived it. Knowing him enriched my life and my faith journey.

I will miss him, but I am so happy that he is no longer confined to his bed, unable to attend church, reach his blog, and his trains.
Melli said…
Dr. John always told me I was born to be a Lutheran too! But I think he is right! I started as a Catholic - but Lutheran fit me much better! I don't think it matters which denomination we are though - we are ALL brothers and sisters in Christ! Let God sort out all that other stuff in the end!

This was a beautiful eulogy Vicar. I wonder how many of us always hit Dr. John's blog first? He was always my first stop too! Had to have my Pigeon Falls fix... and on Sunday mornings, his sermon. Perhaps you can post YOUR sermons on Sunday morning now - huh?

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