
Considering Dave Walker's reflections on Giles Fraser's reflections on bloggers, or rather (as Dave points out) on blog commentators, perhaps I will stop encouraging comments on my blogs - its a very scary blogsphere out there! Populated by very scary people...

Go on, prove me wrong :-)


Dr.John said…
Well I only leave nice comments and I have not had more than three mean ones since I started blogging.
Marshall Scott said…
Well, Alistair, I get few comments in general, and minimal that are objectionable. I will admit that I moderated comments from the very beginning, having seen some of the comments on high traffic sites. However, I have had few that I've had to reject; and most of those have been commercial, not rant.
Tom said…
I've never really had any blatantly negative or questionable comments on my site. In general, if people take the time to read through what a blogger has to say, and then take the time to comment on it, they're usually going to say something insiteful or appreciative.

Then again, I don't blog about politics, technology, or pop culture. If I did that, I might see different comments.
Unknown said…
I know where you live ...

Best regards,
Edward Green,
Curate Soham and Wicken,
Diocese of Ely.

oh boooger ...

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