Back for a moment

Had my week off and now am preparing to go back to work tomorrow.

The problem with this ministry lark is that you are never really off, in the middle of the week i had a moment where i was anxious about a couple of parishioners so i was contacting colleagues to make sure they were visited whilst I was away. I did go away to Devon to see my family, but was down there to baptise my latest nephew, Drew, who is completely gorgeous! Lovely day, fun service (in an ice cold country church) great to see family, but still work to a certain degree...

i guess car mechanics who go to visit friends get asked to look under the bonnet (or hood for US readers) of their friends and family cars, or doctors get a 'could you have a look at this and should i get it lanced' query at supper time when visiting - so there's not much to complain about.

Actually, not complaining, just observing. It's a great privilege to baptise at any time, even more so when it is one of the family. A good day, in fact a very good few days away.

The Car exhaust did blow up whilst we were away and we had to get it fixed, though. £200 (about US$350) - but the kwik-fit we went to were brilliant and had it all done very quickly (as the name suggests) and were very helpful. Shout out to Exeter Kwik-Fit - hooray!

More blogging soon, I am sure there is more I could say but am quite tired after a long drive. See you - and thanks for all the comments.


Sorry you never really get a day off. Being a stay at home mom, I feel the same way. Even if I were to go on vacation, I'd take my work with me. :D

Thanks for your comment on my blog! I don't want to necessarily bring the controvery to your blog, but I was SO surprised! I guess your body is a smoking temple and mine is covered in goo from cookie dough. :D Ha ha! I guess even a priest has temptations. So, it appears you're human. I'm so bummed. ;-D
B.R.L said…
Time off is important even if it has some work. Too bad about the car glad it was fixed quickly. When our car broke down on our vacation I believe it was a two week hold.
jeff said…
Hey, nice facial hair in your new photo. Looks intimidating. I'm scared. I have a question for you over on my blog about the pope, was wondering if you'd be interested in giving your perspective.
Hey! I'm trying to find Nutty Mummy. Is she your sister? She's left me two messages on my blog that she's tagged me, but the link for her blog isn't there. She said her brother was Alastair, and you're the only Alastair I know. If you know who Nutty Mummy is, could you let me know how to find her? THANKS!

Oh, and can you explain this to me...

peas (sp?) porridge hot, peas porridge cold, peas porridge in the pot nine days old.

That nursery rhyme doesn't translate to me in Texan.

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