Have I mentioned how busy I am?

Not a complaint, but by way of apology to those of you who do make the effort to come and check out the New Kid blog every now and then (still not sure about keeping the name, but no one responded to my question as to whether after 2 and a half years i am entitled to still call myself the New Kid on the Blog). There is so much going on, much of it good, all of it important - and i don't list all the busy-ness in order to make myself look important but as part of my ongoing campaign to let folk know what it actually is that we do, us strange breed known as 'Clergy'.

Yesterday, for instance, as well as trying to support my wife, as our little boy is still poorly! I had a meeting with my fellow foundation Governors (ie those appointed by the Church) for the local school which is having its 'Statutory Inspection of Anglican Schools' today. Following which a long meeting at which the Clergy discussed planning for our 'wedding preparation day' on Saturday - a day where we gather as many of the couples getting married in our Churches as possible and discuss the ways in which they can customise their services, what they need to decide about what goes into the services, the legalities and technicalities of a Church wedding in England, and what the significance is of Christian Marriage - all in a day! After the planning meeting for that I did a bereavement visit, then a visit to someone who is very ill and I prayed with them, then i got home, had something to eat and for the evening had a small group of boys visit for our 'Youth Bible Study'.

So a pretty busy day, and today is no quieter.

Again, this is not to impress you (or try to) but to reflect the diversity of this ministry I'm called to. It can be a strain, but is more often a rewarding and worthwhile calling. I may post something about integrity and dis-integration sometime if i can get my brain up to speed! Have a good day all.


You do have a busy day but very rewarding. I hope your son recovers soon and shakes this nasty bug he has caught.

I think you should call yourself "New Kid on the Blog", it is what your blog is known as. But it is your blog and you can only decide to change or not.

A blessed day is wished for you.
Tom said…
I'd only recommend changing your blog's name if you find one that is young and hip enough to impress the young and hip people. I think that's why people change things, anyway. If it weren't for the young and hip, things would be old but functional.

I remember my dad being about as busy as you're talking about. Hard to imagine that people can do that and have a family life to. But, somehow, it seems to work out.
Dr.John said…
You can say this about the ministry. It is not the kind of job where you do the same thing over and over.
Anonymous said…
I should take the name New Kid on the Blog since I just started my blog today except I already named it.

Do you need a dog? I've got one that I don't want. I'll box him up and mail him to you in your village if you want him. I'll be waiting to hear from you.
Jem said…
Happy birthday for yesterday ... I'm not surprised you're so busy, I just hope you managed to get some time out.

peace and love


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