Not subtle or humourous

My attempt at subtle humour obviously failed, as my attempt to gain a huge amount of self-affirmation whilst at the same time taking a wry look at Quilly's comment on my post about 'what kind of blogger I am' drew very little response at all... Except for Quilldancer being very caring and reassuring me that i wasn't as 'pants' as she thought my post alluded that I thought i was (see, subtle and humourous just don't work, and don't tell me my spelling is wrong, I know that humourous is meant to be spelled humourous)

Talking of pants, thanks Tom for the comment, I hope that I am at the forefront of spreading the 'pants' concept to the world! If you find yourself using obscure UK youth culture phrases in your everyday life then my work is done.

Probably also worth mentioning that 'pants' in the UK means underwear, not trousers...

Also, apologies Quilldancer that I've not added you to my blogroll, I have been meaning to as I do enjoy my visits to your blog... I will endeavour to rectify that very soon.

Also, Quilly has a moan in a post yesterday about not being able to get a word verification to post comments on blogs, I have just had the same problem with Tom's blog - I am glad i turned off word verification, I read a really good post about how annoying it was and how it didn't really seem to weed out spam so I removed it a few weeks ago. Anyway, come on blogger folk, help us out here, we want to say things to other bloggers...


Dr.John said…
I wasn't sure what "is pants" ment. English jargon wow. I do find content and help in your blog so I think your dfoing something right.
Anonymous said…
I feel like a star over here! I will definately be nicer to you in future. Probably. Well, maybe. But, don't hold your breath or anything.

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