Why I could never be a tele-evangelist

I don't have nice bouffant hair
...or good sound right-wing political agendas...
...or a certainty which brooks no doubt (except about important things)...
...or a narrowly defined theological agenda...
...or a great desire to be rich...
...or terrible taste in suits...
...or perfect teeth...
...or a desire to ask people to give me money to spread the gospel (don't remember Jesus mentioning a 'mission fund')...
...or a calling to ask for the assassination of foreign presidents...

I will have to stick with being an impoverished, not overly 'successful' country Vicar who just tries to get on with this loving, praying, ministering stuff.

Oh, the reason I mention this is a post on Dave Walker's blog here.


Anonymous said…
I notice that you didn't mention that honesty would keep you from being a tele-evagelist. Why is that?
Alastair said…
I thought the honesty was implicit in the post, honest.
Tom said…
I have a theory that televangelists are all made in a government lab somewhere and released on the populous at specified intervals. Why they were bred and to what purpose they're released still remains a mystery to me.

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