Avoiding difficult subjects

I was reflecting on just why i have not felt a great pull to blog on the situation in the Lebanon or on the scare over the plot to blow up planes mid-flight over this past couple of weeks and have focussed on the relatively trivial events in my life...

It's not that i don't care, just that i have nothing to say. Or rather that there is nothing that i could post on this blog which would make any difference - or at least that's how i feel. I am happy to warble on about my motorbike, things going on around me, good music, even theology, but with regards to the scary and horrific events going on in our world i feel that distressing and unjust and downright evil as they may be my noodling on about them isn't going to help. For some appropriate response from the c of e look here and follow this link for some thinking from Richard Wells over at Connexions. I leave it to better informed folk to start your thinking process going and guide your prayers.


Jem said…
Mmm, I've felt unable to say much, though having seeing you at least articulate something about your silence I felt provoked and have just posted something since I've been thinking about it so much.

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