Pastures new...and old

No, I'm not planning on finding a new position (though I jokingly mentioned looking at the jobs section in the Church Times newspaper to my colleagues this morning). I am off in a moment to the gym for an induction into the wonderful world of 'on track for fitness' or something like that... I've not actually been for a workout more than twice since my daughter was born (over five years ago) wheras i used to go three or four times a week - of course i was about sixty pounds lighter then, its piled on over the past four years or so. So now I have decided (with the support and encouragement of Jo) to try and get back to some kind of fitness. The nice thing is that I've not felt any 'compulsion' or pressure to do this either from myself or my wife, its more that this would be a good thing to do and i have always enjoyed working out... It is a new gym, or health club, or whatever it's called and it is quite different from my last one, which always makes me nervous - i have been a member of about half a dozen gyms over the past fifteen years and there is something about going new to one which always makes me anxious.

Also, I sent off last night for details of a Professional Doctorate course at the local theological federation in Cambridge. I have been considering trying to get back into academic study for some time and really enjoy it and the feeling of being stretched by it, so this very exciting course - which involves study alongside ministry, would be good if it seems the right thing to do. It would again be something that i have done before (Academic work, my Masters was from the same place) and a new approach. So pastures new and old indeed.

I'd also like to play the piano and get some proper guitar lessons, but that will have to wait I think...


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