
Admittedly a rather pathetic dusting of snow on the ground, but enough to get the kids v excited! It also meant the first 'wrap up warm' day of the year, so out came the hat, gloves and scarf which very rarely make it out of the cupboard (I have the wrong shaped head for a hat as fashion accessory, gloves and scarf get in the way usually - but when i need to wear them all i really enjoy it, odd, eh?) .

Jack, who was two last week (oops, forgot to mention that) was very distressed that I kept him in his pushchair all the way to school and back whilst taking Katherine there. He's now off with the childminder who has promised to let him play with the snow in her back garden. I am just about to prepare the assembly for the juniors (8yrs+) at the school as we continue the theme mentioned a couple of weeks ago, Jesus' job description, this week on the theme of 'comforting the sad'.


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