
Been a good day today, after a grumpy 24 hours or so i apologised to my wife, who bore the brunt of my lack of sleep a couple of nights before - no big bust up just a general bad temper on my part!

Services this morning were rewarding - good turnout for the 8.30am Communion and a good response to the sermon (printed below). 10.30 not such a good turnout, but a relaxed yet fun family Communion service which even the traditionalists seemed to enjoy.

This evening's duties shared out as mentioned previously I got to go and play guitar for the evening worship session at which the Curate spoke well, as always. I gave her the subject of 'Jesus and relationships', as we continue our series on the nitty gritty of what Jesus said and did, expecting her to talk about juicy stuff to do with sex and sexuality, and she actually spoke on the whole attitude Jesus had regarding his relationships with others as shown through his parables, teaching and lifestyle. Very well done, but it has made a later talk in the series redundant 'Jesus and family' because it was covered well this evening... Perhaps I should change it, as I mentioned to someone after the service, to 'Jesus and family planning' and give the subject to one of my colleagues...

Did have fun playing the guitar, too!


Alastair said…
Please promise not to tell anyone, or my act will be ruined...

Grumpy wasn't quite the right description, sullen is a better description of how i get when i am out of sorts.
Dr.John said…
Glad the service went well. I read the sermon and again it was better than the one I heard.

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