
Not a terribly interesting name for this post, but am feeling a slight creative block at the mo...

Yesterday spent, as days off should be, with family, mooching around Cambridge with wife and son, then when daughter came home we had supper together and played for a while until bath and bed time. Quiet evening in. Very relaxed, very enjoyable. Needed some peace after this week.

Didn't sleep well, though, and woke up with sore shoulders, neck and back due to tossing and turning and general wakefulness. I've finally got that cold which has been hanging around for ages and waited to come out until i had a restful day!

So feeling a bit tired and grumpy today - not at anything in particular, just run down, i guess. Have to do all the usual planning and preparation for services tomorrow. A couple of Communion services, one of which is a 'family communion' and our informal service in the evening. Another member of the ministry team is speaking in the evening, and one of our lay leadership team is heading up the preparation and leading for that service so i will enjoy playing guitar and generally joining in for that.

Tomorrow's readings are good ones to prepare a service on, certainly the Gospel reading which i mentioned a few posts ago, some of which thinking may well crop up again in sermon preparation. Let's just pray that 'the Spirit of the Lord is upon me' as i prepare! More later, i expect.


Dr.John said…
I just have to ask what church are you a pastor in. It just doesn't sound like the Church of England.

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