Christian vs Christ follower

Thanks to imago dei for blogging this, its good to see something 'Christian' that isn't a total Turkey! Unlike the film that Tom talks about in his latest post... I had a bit of a rant in the comments for that one, but you don't need to read that!


Anonymous said…
I just have to say that I love your URL!
Brian said…
I'm liking this a lot.

I think that what it is really saying, deep down and subliminally, is that only Mac users can be saved

.... only kidding!?!?!?

.... or am I?
Thanks for sharing Alastair, I thought this was Good. Mind if I borrow for my Blog?

Does this mean that Mac users are better Christians?

OK bad joke

Have a wonderful day
Alastair said…
Thanks Amanda, and I hope you don't mind me stealing this from you, or rather stealing the idea from you and taking it from youtube. My next posting (in about two minutes) will be about my url & username...

Brian and Old Fart
This is not a statement about salvation through Mac.
Brian said…
We originally sinned through an apple, so why can't we be saved though an Apple?
Tom said…
Actually, I think your rant in the comment section of my post is worth reading.

On a different note, based soley on the fact that I use a PC, salvation cannot come from a Mac. That would mean I'm wrong, and I simply can't have that.
Anonymous said…
If you can't tell I'm a Christian by the way I act, no sign on my car -- or coat -- is going to change that. I am a Christ follower (although the Bible I carry to church on Sunday is in one of those nisfty little black carry cases).
I haven't forgotten that there are at least two articles I want to come back and read when I've got thriving brain cell function and a quiet house in which to ponder your words. Rarely do those two things collide. And if they do, I'm supposed to be doing my weekly Bible class work. Anyway, wanted you to know I really meant it waaaaay back when I said I wanted to come back and read some things you had written.

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