Another book, day 3

My next book is one which has sat on my sidebar for ages...

actually they all have, about time to change them I think

Anyway a deep, moving, grace filled book which I would say comes high up my top ten Christian books of all time, it's called 'Free of Charge' by Miroslav Volf

Volf's exploration of 'Giving and forgiving in a culture stripped of Grace' as the subtitle describes it is rooted in everyday life, yet is an expansive vision of God's love and Grace and the understanding of God as the ultimate giver. It challenges us to consider again our attitude to all that we have, and to consider the very foundation of our faith. In between these mind-blowing concepts are some very personal stories which he shares to illustrate his thesis.

There is a lot of theology in this book, but it is neither overly dense nor over abstract. It is a book that I found gripping, though others in the book group that I shared this with said it took some effort to read but was worth it. If you don't buy any other piece of contemporary theological reflection this year, get this one. I cannot recommend it highly enough.

Uplifting, challenging, stirring, moving. It's all this and more


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