A book a day for November 4

Sometimes I like to lose myself in a good thriller, and this is one, though Dan Brown gets a lot of stick, especially from those who take his writing too seriously (a la DaVinci Code) he does seem to have the hang of writing a good page-turner. i read this one on holiday and it was a ripping yarn and most enjoyable...

I won't give any of the plot away, but like most of Brown's books, it is full of twists and turns with real characters and lots going on. Even if I said what the premise was it would give away one of the early twists so you'll have to take my word for it that it's a good story and well put together.


Chris Smith said…
Thanks for visiting my blog. I love Dan Brown's books and you're right, people shouldn't take his writing so seriously. Have you read Angels & Demons? I liked it better than The Da Vinci Code.
Dr.John said…
I am going to get that book. I really am.

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