A book a day for November 14

Hey, in stark contrast to my NaMoWriMo progress, I've managed at least one post a day for my NaBloPoMo! So here's another one...

Definitely a modern fave for today's choice

Donald Miller, though some of what he says seems much more conservative than the central premise of the book, offers a broad and thoughtful look at the state of Christian Faith today. It's all about looking at 'spirituality' in a new way. Whilst holding on to the core values of following Jesus, with plenty of illustrations from his own spiritual journey, he seeks to question lots of the baggage that we put on faith in the name of the Church. It's a personal reflection, and doesn't claim perfection, and as such is a glimpse into the search for meaning in our present generation. It's a very easy read, with no taxing theological verbage, and at the same time is filled with the presence of Jesus walking alongside this guy in his search for meaning. It's a good book.


Margaret said…
What a great idea to do a book per day. I was hoping to jump in NaBloPoMo this year (missed last) but couldn't due to crazy happenings here at home.

Anyhoo, you already know I'm sure - but I'm reminding everyone this weekend to remember Dr. John this Thursday (22nd) for his birthday. Come play along. =O)

"Roasting Dr. John Comment-athon".

It's nearing Dr. John's birthday and this year it falls on Thanksgiving! (November 22nd)

Last year we Roasted Dr. John and I've been thinking, what would be the perfect Birthday present for him this year?

COMMENTS!!!! Lots and lots of them! From those he knows, to those he doesn't know. From all over the world and throughout the blogosphere. Let's fill his inbox with Happy Birthdays.

How to do it: Be creative, he loves creativity. Post a blog on his birthday (Thanksgiving 11/22) dedicated to Dr. John and wishing him a Happy Birthday. Make Dr. John your "link of the day" and encourage your Bloggy Buds to stop by and leave him a comment and a Happy Birthday wish.

Perhaps, even getting them to join in on the fun! Create your own Pigeon Falls photoshop as you imagine it, a post on trains, design and describe the perfect fortress or dare to post your entire blog in Finnish.

Leave a linked PS note when you visit other blogs this day to guide peeps over to say Happy Birthday to a super fantastic guy.

Use your imagination and have fun with it. See 'ya next week!
Anonymous said…
i think you would really enjoy the new book Brown Like Coffee at brownlikecoffee.com

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